Untitled design 66Navigating life's melodies in a world where his voice was silent, the boy had thought today would be like any other-  but something magical awaited. On this day, the boy experienced joy. 

Ethan*, with his infectious smile and twinkling eyes, found his place among the diverse crowd. The brass quintet began to play, weaving melodies that painted the air with vibrant colors. Trumpets blared, trombones echoed, setting hearts dancing. As the music enfolded, something magical happened. Ethan's eyes lit up in sheer delight. His fingers danced to the rhythm on the armrests of his wheelchair. It was as if the music had found a way to translate its essence into a language that Ethan understood perfectly. Despite being nonverbal, Ethan spoke volumes through his uncontainable joy. His laughter resonated, echoing the sentiments of the crowd. People around him couldn't help but be moved by the sheer happiness radiating from the boy.

The Community Foundation's vision to bring cultural enrichment through music had been realized beyond measure. Ethan's delight had sparked a chain reaction of happiness, reminding everyone that the most beautiful moments in life often come in the form of simple melodies, resonating rhythms, and the joy they bring to those who listen. Through a grant from the Fine Arts Fund, Kankakee Valley Symphony Orchestra was able to provide free music events in the Kankakee area, making classical symphonic music assescible for all to enjoy.

Since the Fine Arts Matching Funds Challenge was announced in November of 2020, the Fine Arts Campaign was launched to raise money for the Fine Arts Fund. With the generosity of matching funds donor, Norm Strasma, and donors throughout our community near and far, the Fine Arts Fund has awarded over $5,000. The Fine Arts Fund is a part of the Community Foundation's Fall Grant cyle and grant are made in the areas of Music, Painting, Architecture, Sculpture, Literature, Performing Arts and Film. 


*Name has been changed to protect the boy's anonymity